A historic building at Mount Davis has been restored and revitalised as part of a magnificent new Hong Kong campus for the University of Chicago, thanks to the support of a HK$234 million Social Impact Grant made by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, which supports the site revitalisation and partly covers the construction cost of the Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Academic Complex. In return, the University of Chicago will deliver a 15-year Hong Kong Jockey Club Programme on Social Innovation, which will greatly enhance the capacity of NGOs and the social sector in Hong Kong.
Guests at the Campus opening ceremony today (30 November) included Club Chairman Anthony W K Chow; HKSAR Chief Executive the Hon Carrie Lam; University of Chicago President Dr Robert Zimmer; the Club’s Chief Executive Officer Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, the Club’s Executive Director, Charities and Community Leong Cheung; and University Trustee Francis Yuen.
Mr Chow noted that The Hong Kong Jockey Club Heritage Preservation Project, which revitalised the former Victoria Road Detention Centre within the campus,was part of the Club’s commitment to arts, culture and heritage in Hong Kong, through which it sought to promote a culturally vibrant and socially inclusive community. “Equally, the Club’s Charities Trust is keen to help Hong Kong NGOs build their capacity and grow their capabilities in line with our city’s evolving social needs. This is the purpose of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Programme on Social Innovation,” he said. “We particularly have in mind smaller NGOs and start-up social enterprises, who would especially benefit from business and management education but invariably lack the resources to pay for it themselves.”
The Grade 3 listed heritage buildings at the former Victoria Road Detention Centre, a site of considerable importance for the modern history of Hong Kong, have now been converted into a part of The Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Heritage Campus, including The Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Heritage Courtyard and Interpretation Centre. The restored site will be open to the public, with regular guided tours offered, and displays and exhibitions organised in the Heritage Courtyard and Interpretation Centre. These activities will enable the public to learn about these buildings and their context in Hong Kong’s history.
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Programme on Social Innovation will make use of the University of Chicago’s expertise to offer business programmes tailor-made for Hong Kong’s social sector, helping local social entrepreneurs and NGO leaders build their capabilities. Its aim is to address some of Hong Kong’s most challenging social issues by improving the sector’s non-profit governance and managerial capacity, as well as generating impactful research and practice. Under the programme, 30 full-tuition Executive MBA and 120 non-degree Executive Education scholarships will be granted for non-profit organisation leaders to take different courses. These will be complemented by events and workshops in fields such as impact investing, social entrepreneurship and NGO board governance. The whole 15-year programme is expected to benefit over 4,600 NGO professionals, social entrepreneurs and philanthropists, generating a long-term sustainable impact for Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong Jockey Club
Founded in 1884, The Hong Kong Jockey Club is a world-class racing club that acts continuously for the betterment of our society. The Club has a unique integrated business model, comprising racing and racecourse entertainment, a membership club, responsible sports wagering and lottery, and charities and community contribution. Through this model, the Club generates economic and social value for the community and supports the Government in combatting illegal gambling. In 2017/18, the Club made a record return to the Government of HK$22.6 billion in duty and profits tax and contributed HK$1.2 billion to the Lotteries Fund. Approved charity donations were HK$4.2 billion. The Club is Hong Kong's largest single taxpayer and one of the city’s major employers. Its Charities Trust is also one of the world's top ten charity donors. The Club is always "riding high together for a better future" with the people of Hong Kong.
Picture 1:
Club Chairman Anthony W K Chow says the Hong Kong Jockey Club Heritage Preservation Project is part of the Club’s commitment to arts, culture and heritage in Hong Kong.
Picture 2:
Club Chairman Anthony W K Chow (6th right); HKSAR Chief Executive the Hon Carrie Lam (centre); University of Chicago President Dr Robert Zimmer (6th left); the Club’s CEO Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges (4th right), Executive Director, Charities and Community Leong Cheung (2nd right); University Trustee Francis Yuen (5th left) and other guests cut a ribbon to mark the opening of The University of Chicago Hong Kong Campus.