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Special arrangements for Priority Card and racecourse food and beverage coupons


In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Hong Kong Jockey Club (the Club) has been limiting the attendance at the race meetings during the past months for the protection of its customers and employees.
To facilitate the full enjoyment of privileges by its customers, the Club has decided that all Priority Card holders for the current 2019/20 racing season will automatically retain the status of their Priority Card tiers until the end of the 2020/21 racing season. For customers who are upgraded to a higher Priority Card tiers in this season, the status will be renewed for the next racing season.
In addition, holders of Season Paper Badge for the current racing season can continue to access the Paper Badge Betting Hall located at Grandstand I in the Sha Tin Racecourse during the 2020/21 racing season. The validity of all racecourse food and beverage coupons expiring in July 2020 will also be extended to December 2020.
Should there be any enquiries, customers may call the Customer Care Hotline 1818.