About HKJC

JC Equestrian Development
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Getting Started

Striding on together - the HKJC and equestrian sport share the same spirit of partnership and commitment to excellence.

Getting Started
Enrolment (HKJC members only)

Members wishing to sign up for lessons at Beas River Riding School(BRRS)must be six years old and above at the time of enrolment. They will be placed on the waiting list and the office will contact them when suitable lessons become available. New riders with previous equestrian experience will undergo assessments to determine their level. To sign up, please download the enrolment form and submit it to BRRS.

Riding Lesson Online Enrolment Form

Cancellation Policy (ENG only)
  • All regular lessons are deemed automatically booked in accordance with the pre-arranged schedule. Regular lessons should be cancelled with at least 72 hours’ notice at the BREC Administration Office during business hours before the scheduled time of the lesson. 100% of the lesson fee and pony/horse hire fee will be charged for late cancellation without valid reason.
  • One-off lessons, reservation for pony/horse hire should be cancelled with at least 72 hours’ notice at the BREC Administration office during business hours before the scheduled time of the booking. Otherwise, 100% of the lesson/riding fee and pony/horse hire fee will be charged for late cancellation without valid reason.
  • Any rider who fails to attend a minimum of 50% of their regular lessons within an 8-week period without a valid reason will lose their regular slot and can only book ad hoc lessons on a 48 hours basis or rejoin the waiting list for a regular lesson slot in the future provided that where a valid reason has been provided the regular lesson will be released to riders on the waitlist as on-off riding lessons and then returned to the original rider when he or she can resume their regular lessons.
  • Lessons are non-transferable. For emergency one-off situations, the Senior Manager Equestrian has the discretion to allow the transfer of a lesson, however, this should happen no more than once per calendar year. Spouses or children of a Member holding a supplementary membership card or Member’s children identity card may ride in the Member’s pre-booked lesson providing they are riding the livery horse associated with the Member. For a lesson with a school horse, spouses or children of a Member holding a supplementary membership card or Member’s children identity card may ride in the Member’s prebooked lesson subject to horse/pony availability and suitability at the discretion of the Senior Manager, Equestrian (BREC).
  • Any rider who is late by more than 15 minutes beyond the start time of the scheduled lesson without valid reason, shall forfeit the lesson and the pony/horse will be untacked. 100% of the riding lesson fee and pony/horse hire fee will be charged for the forfeited lesson.
  • The Senior Manager Equestrian has the discretion to waive cancellation charges where insufficient notice has been given as set out in this BREC Operational Rules and this Cancellation Policy in circumstances where a valid reason has been provided. Provision of a medical certificate will automatically qualify as a valid reason. Other reasons will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Amendments to this Cancellation Policy may be made from time to time and notice of all amendments shall be displayed on the BREC Notice Boards and emailed to all BREC Members. Any amendments as displayed on the Notice Board and/or emailed shall constitute due notice to each Member.
Terms and Conditions
  • Riders and/or their parent or legal guardian must take care of and be responsible for their personal belongings and safety.
  • Riders should follow the instructions of on-site Riding Instructors or Staff. Riders with pre-existing medical condition should provide their doctor's consent before participating.
  • Riders are required to sign a "Release and Indemnity Form" stating that the Rider agrees to ride in Beas River Equestrian Centre at his/her own risk (and persons under aged 18 are to be signed by his/her parent or legal guardian).
  • Proper age verification checks are in placed when first attending any riding lessons. All participants when first attending riding lessons must provide proof of age Identification for verification, to ensure the enrolment fairness and proper compliance.
  • Beas River Equestrian Centre will reject and nullify any applications that have been made at the time of application before the age of 6 years old/other than for pony rides which are open to age 3+. To avoid disappointment, you must ensure you are providing accurate information. You must also ensure that information provided by anyone on your behalf is truthful and accurate. Individuals who provide false or misleading information in relation to the applications will result in cancellation of the application.
Preparing for Your First Lesson

  • What to wear
  • Riders should wear clothes that are comfortable to move in, and preferably not jeans. Shoes must have a small flat heel and ankle support. Trainers are not suitable footwear for riding. All riders must wear a helmet and gloves. For first-time riders, helmets, boots and body protectors can be rented at the riding school. Jewellery is prohibited except for stud earrings, wedding rings and watches.
  • Stay hydrated
  • Always remember to bring a water bottle. Leave it with your instructor before you begin your lesson.
  • What to bring
  • Aside from a water bottle, please bring medicine that you may require, such as an inhaler. Also apply sunscreen and insect repellant over exposed parts of the body before your lesson.
  • How you should behave around ponies and horses
  • Horses and ponies are like every other animal and may react suddenly and unpredictably to loud noises and quick movements. Always walk calmly and do not run around the yard. Never walk right behind a horse and only approach it when given permission by a member of the staff. Each pony and horse has its own character, and most enjoy lots of attention and love.
  • Please do not feed the horses
  • Always listen to your instructor and inform her/ him if you have any concerns or questions
  • Eating is not allowed in all stables

Forms & Useful Informations
BREC Riding Lesson Online Enrollment
Apply Online
BREC Indemnity Form
Download (PDF-135KB)
BREC Cancellation Policy (ENG only)
Download (PDF-147KB)
Tropical Cyclone & Rainstorm Warning Guidelines
Download (PDF-231KB)
Summary of Fees & Services
Download (PDF-775KB)
BREC Rider Progression Colour Levels
Download (PDF-262KB)
Q & A

A: BREC only accept applicants who are over six years old. You must also be at least six years old to be on the waiting list.

A: Younger children can join stable tours and pony rides activities offered by BREC.

A: For details on costs, please contact BREC.

A: You can usually enrol in dressage, jumping and stable management, but each riding school tailors its lessons according to its facilities and availability of horses/ponies.

A: Group lessons usually have between five to six people, depending on the size of the arena and level of the lesson.

A: Friends and family are welcome to watch, but remember that everyone must comply with the rules and regulations of the yard. Children must be supervised at all times. All spectators must observe silence and should not distract the horses and riders. They must stay within the designated areas while watching the lessons.

A: Visitors must accompany with one of the BREC member and register at BREC Administration Office and should never go into the stables without the staff permission. BREC and Tuen Mun regular Stable Tours. For details, please refer to "Stable Tours".

A: You can enrol for lessons at BREC by completing an online enrolment form. For other HKJC Public Riding Schools, please contact their offices directly.

A: Please note that BREC is a facility for members and permitted users only. The public can enrol at any of the HKJC Public Riding Schools. For private riding schools not operated by HKJC, please contact them directly.