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Develops the physical, mental and social capabilities of young people and fosters an attitude of excellence

S.K.H Tin Shui Wai Ling Oi Primary School


Fervent coaches lead teachers and students in progressing together

S.K.H. Tin Shui Wai Ling Oi Primary School pays much attention to the development of their extracurricular activities. Through participating in sports, the school hopes that students can learn about team spirit and sportsmanship, as well as build up healthy living habits. Three passionate teachers and football coaches of the school, Wayne Chan, Jonathan Kwok and Eric Hui, joined the HKJC School Football Development Scheme, hoping to bring students more football skills training and physical science knowledge, as well as create a more harmonious training atmosphere.

  • Wayne Chan (left) & Eric Hui (right), teachers and coaches of S.K.H. Tin Shui Wai Ling Oi Primary School, wish to put the knowledge learned from the Scheme into practice.

The “three musketeers” complement each other

As the saying goes: “In the multitude of counselors there is wisdom”. Wayne and Jonathan are both of the post-90 generation who enthusiastically joined the teaching force not too long ago. Eric, a Religion Studies teacher, is relatively more experienced compared to the two. Together, these three passionate football lovers set up the school’s boys and girls football teams, as well as a weekend church football class. Wayne said that each of them has a unique quality – Eric is kind and good at guiding students; Jonathan is approachable and gets along easily with students; Wayne, on the other hand, is strict and thinks discipline is of the utmost importance. By complementing each other, the teams run smoothly; and the international training approach taught at the HKJC School Football Development Scheme has taken the teams to the next level.

  • Jonathan is approachable and easy to get along with students.
  • The school set up the boys and girls football teams, as well as weekend church football class for the school.

Less strictness leads to more achievements

Still in his early 20’s, Wayne is a new coach with a strong passion for football. He confessed that his intense love for sports has sometimes led to an estrangement from the students: “I was often rather strict with my students because I wanted them to achieve good results. They were intimidated by my attitude and eventually stopped trying because they did not want to make any mistakes.”

The way that Christopher O’Brien, Head Coach of Manchester United Soccer Schools Hong Kong, interacts with students has made a definite impact. Wayne realised that a gentle and encouraging approach rather than criticism could help students to regain their confidence. He also learnt that a harmonious learning atmosphere is of great importance for students’ development. Each student has their own unique ability, and if a teacher can understand and embrace their differences, then the students will know that they will not be reprimanded for making mistakes. And when they do make a mistake, they will become more willing to learn from them and will seek to improve. The result of positive communication with students is far more effective than criticisms and reprimands.

  • Wayne uses a gentle and encouraging way to a harmonious learning atmosphere.
  • The result of communicating with students positively is far more effective than criticisms and reprimands.

Religious Studies expert and tenderfoot coach

Eric, a Religion Studies teacher, spends most of his time leading the weekend football fellowship and interest class. He admits that he is experienced in teaching but is a real novice when it comes to football coaching. The theory and knowledge classes offered by the School Football Development Scheme are therefore a good complement and are helping to shape him into a real football coach. What impressed Eric the most is not the profound football strategy knowledge and cases, but the simple gestures made by OB at training, such as greeting and shaking the hands of each players, and quickly remembering each player’s name. These details have taught Eric how to respect others. He believes that knowing how to respect each player and establishing mutual trust within the team are the essential qualities of a good football coach.

  • Eric (right) believes that knowing how to respect each player and to establish mutual trust in a team are the essential qualities of a good football coach.
  • The development of the coaches and students has injected positive energy to the entire football team.

Students thrive with care and encouragement

The change in the teachers is obvious to all. Jerry Shiu, a Primary Three student, said that he does not perform the best at training and there is still a huge room for improvement in his football skills. He recalled that Wayne used to reprimand students for underperforming, making him hesitate to make more attempts. However, after Wayne attended OB’s training, he has put away his strict face and has become more caring. Wayne’s change has given Jerry the courage to try and improve himself. The development of the coaches and students has injected positive energy into the entire football team.

  • Jerry Shiu, a primary three student, revealed that Wayne used to reprimand students for underperformance, making him hesitate to make more attempts.
  • Wayne’s change has given Jerry courage to try and improve himself.

As the Scheme came to an end, the Ling Oi Primary School Football team scooped the championship trophy at the Interschool Friendly Matches. Jonathan attributes their success to the students’ determination and courage to try, as well as the words of encouragement from the coaches. The team has shown an amazing improvement that no one could expect. The “three musketeers” will continue to keep up the “no arrogance in victory, no despair in defeat” spirit and their passion for football. They look forward to many more years of applying the Scheme’s teaching methods and to leading the Ling Oi Primary School football team onwards and upwards.

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Sharing happiness with school teachers, coaches and students through various football activities

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